ESS WDA Personal profile add explanation text
Hi, Our requirement is to add explanation text to the detailed screens of personal profile wda app. I tried this with personalization and WDA OVP configuration options, but with no success. Is there...
View ArticleRe: Ejecutar SP en el generador de consultas de SAP
Gracias Alejandro por tu respuesta, te agradeceria bastante si me podrias dar un ejemplo, el SP que se creo es uno de factuacion de ventas dbo.Facturas_ventas (y filtra por fechasInicio y FechaFIn) que...
View ArticleRe: Web intelligence preference in BI launchpad
Hi Suman, You can set the "Change preferences for objects that the user owns" access right at the user group level. You do need to make sure the user added to this user group has the "inherit from...
View ArticleRe: Dynamic configuration variable lifetime?
Hi Krish, Can you provide the variable name and namespace? regards,Harish
View ArticleRe: End User Unlock and Password Reset in GRC AC 10.0
Hi Rupesh That was my warning on the post I linked you to Quite a few PSS solutions have this as a setup (even SCN). The key thing you are reliant on is that the email account must be restricted to...
View ArticleRe: Translations in SAPUI5 (on HANA XS)
The Hana developer guide includes a section on translation text bundles on Hana XS (page 458) 9.3.5 Tutorial: Create and Translate Text Bundles for SAPUI5 Applications...
View ArticleRe: Activating a webservice provider asks to register an object
Hi Paulo, Please post your question to ABAP Development My question is: in SAP ERP latest versions, when providing web services, the system will always ask to register this kind of object even if we...
View ArticleRe: CFDi Nómina, nombre del empleado limitado a 30 posiciones
Hola, cómo están? Saben si en alguna nota se corrige el tema de las 30 posiciones en el nombre?
View ArticleRe: service manager - empty company list
Hi, Please check SAP note: 1583117 - Choose company list is empty in MS Windows Vista,7,2008. Thanks & Regards,Nagarajan
View ArticleRe: EAM Issue
Hi Sai, We've faced this problem after switching the users from Service to Dialog. I think our issue was that due to password policy, the password some of the dialog user haven't been changed for a...
View ArticleRe: MSS Team Error
Hello Srikanth, I am having the same issue, would you mind attach the Data Views config. screen shot. Thanks in advance. George
View ArticleRe: EAM Issue
Hi Diego In that situation have you considered using SECPOL - ERP6 EHP6 will allow you to create a security policy. You could investigate creating one for the FF Ids and assign to them to extend...
View ArticleRe: Obtain a work item id
Hello, Is this for a separate program that is reading the workflow. Or is it something that gets called by the workflow? If so then you can find it in the workflow container and you can put it in the...
View ArticleRe: Does anyone know how to run a SOD simulation that involves removing roles?
Hi Gretchen! Many thanks for your imput. I think that SAP should add a toolbox where you can simulate "add" or "remove" in the action and That's would be nice!. Meanwhile, creating a test...
View ArticleRe: How can I know who released a transport.
Hi Kranthi, Logon to the dev system or system where request was created.Start tcode SE01Enter your transport number and push the Action Log Button.This action log will contain the name and date of the...
View ArticleBRF Rule Creation Information
Hello Experts, I would like to get some information of how create a BRF Rule for Request Type (Change, New User, Terminate/Delete).Could you please provide some information of how does it works, I have...
View ArticleRe: EAM Issue
Nice Option Collen! I have not considered cause it usually happens after creation and just one time. But good to know that! Cheers,Diego.
View ArticleRe: Presentation Designer 2011 SP4 Setup Not Recognizing 32-Bit Microsoft...
Hi, You have to use SAP Crystal Dashboard Design 2013 which does support MS Office 2013, but I've read that it is not great, so I would not recommend it and to use MS Office 2010 if you can. Regards,Josh
View ArticleViewing document characteristics in Easy DMS public and private folders
We have classified our documents in SAP Document Management System. We are viewing the DIRs in Easy DMS. In the public and private folders, the classification characteristics columns can be added to...
View ArticleRe: Connecting to SAP B1 HANA DI API aswell as the Client side
Hi Brender, Please make sure that hdbclient is installed on client side. When you run B1 Client x86 you need install x86 hdbclient. If you run x64 B1 Client you need x64 hdbclient as well. Nghia
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