Re: 0UNIT in Cube Data Display
Hi Kodanda, There is no constant UNIT. In Source we have TH....In Target its TH. But in data display selection screen if i give TS will display result for TH. Same thing is happening for few more...
View ArticleRe: Error de Funcionamiento
Hola, Mauricio. Antes que todo, to opino que tal vez sea necesario ejecutar tareas de mantenimiento y/o optimización a tu base de datos (sociedad) y a la SBO-COMMON. Si ya tienes un año trabajando y...
View ArticleFM Availability controled by user
Good afternoon, Is there any chance to where I could introduce limitations of budget to any user? Example: There are 5 SAP usersFor an specific budget line, its budget is 1.000 for one yearI do not...
View ArticleRe: bapi_material_getbatchcert
Had you tried it manually with the transaction what you want do with the BAPI?Does it work manually, or not?If it works manually, then you probably did something wrong with the BAPI.But if it does not...
View Articlehelp a noob
Hello guys, i started learning ABAP for a few weeks and i come across internal tables. I searched the forums and learned a few things so i wrote these 2 reports. Both accomplish the same task, but i...
View ArticleRe: GRC Access Controls v10 ARA: Role Risk Analysis "Mitigate Risk" button
Filip, Already not allowed that access. I was looking for a way to turn off the button, but it is tied to configuration as an "on/off" type. If the user clicks through they will not be able to save the...
View ArticleRe: PM - Doubt
Hi, Measuring point can generate orders with the help of maintenance plan. Regards Satish
View ArticleRe: URL links in the appraisal Process Description
Hi Yurii. My client is actually on EhP5 - maybe I should have specified this but to be honest I don't think that this particular functionality has been updated in EhP6. I am trying to add a link to...
View ArticleRe: No EWA'a post ST-PI & ST-A/PI Upgrade
Hello Nitin, SAP publish note yesterday 2074834 - SM: EXEC SERVICES creates dump of Uncaught_Exception on /1AGS/ABW_APPLI____________055 kindly check. BR,K.
Hello, Hope you are using 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT' after your account posting call if there is a sucess messgae in the return table. Also as suggested by Nagaraj, share the Messages in the return...
View ArticleRe: Nota 2026125 - [MX] Addenda information for CFDi
Hola Hugo: De acuerdo a esta nota: Additionally, the new field "Modo de prueba" was included in the selection screen. If you execute the report with this checkbox selected, the system will work exactly...
View ArticleCrear un formato de factura
Buenas tardes. Soy nuevo en la implementacion de SAP 9.1, quisiera saber como puedo crear o modificar los formatos de la factura de mi empresa, tengo entendido que se puede hacer con crystal report, le...
View ArticleRe: Basic Account Assignment of SAP MM & FI
Dear Jeff,I have assigned purchasing organization to my company code.....those FI doc are new to me too...I dont get it, Thanks for your precious time. Regards
View ArticleRe: FEBAN is not updated and we upload the EBC.
Hello Cássio..... sorry I don't have available the parameter "FIN_BSPROC_UI" I tried to look for it but i couldn't,.... could be another parameter? Thanks in advanced.
View ArticleRe: Wrong Aggregation using Hierarchy in HANA MDX Provider with Excel or MDX...
Hi Lukas, i'm not aware of any tracing tools for the MDX provider, but there is an SAP Note supporting it. there isn't much in it since the code may actually be OEM'ed from another company and SAP is...
View ArticleRe: facing this problem while doing the posting of the goods
Thank you all for your instant replies.I tried doing MMPI and was able to reverse the period and then was able to do the posting of the material but further facing another problem and have attached an...
View ArticleRe: Basic Account Assignment of SAP MM & FI
Why did you say the account assignment tab is missing? it is in your screenshots. The PO has a date of January, the PO and material document number look like the very first documents. Do later...
View ArticleRe: Restricting payroll staff from editing their own PA30 Master Record
Thank you Stuart, that link was exactly what I needed so I could see where I went wrong and now it is all fixed. I appreciate you help.
View ArticleRe: FEBAN is not updated and we upload the EBC.
Hello ManiKumar, I tried your suggestion but it doesn't work, the processing type 4 I supposed will be the answer but not. In this case, it was an Electronic Bank Statement not manual. Did you think...
View ArticleRe: Übergabe Paketscheindaten an DELISprint (DPD) per ODBC?
Hallo, ich persönlich würde es über B1iF erstellen. bei jedem Update/Insert des Liefescheins, nach setzten eines Kennzeichens oder durch drücken eines Buttons kann dann eine entsprechende Datei in ein...
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