I'm in the process of setting up Windows AD authentication and SSO. I'm at the stage of testing the creation of a ticket with the command, KINIT, but have come across two problems.:
1) Documentation states navigating to the jdk/bin folder, and for some reason these folders are not found in my installation. So I'm wondering how I might resolve this?
Here's what the documentation says for me:
1. Go to the command prompt and navigate to the jdk\bin directory in your BI platform installation.
By default this is located in:C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win64_x64\jdk\bin.
2) The second issue is the running of the command KINIT. I'm not sure what dependencies it has, but it can only be run from the jdk/bin folder, then even trying to start throws errors.
Any thoughts on how to proceed?