Hello, I have a query about modeling. I have 2 DSOs
DSO1 has the following fields:
GL Account ChartOfAccounts CostCenter ProfitCenter Cal.Year CalMonth Amount
123 COA 12321 23211 2014 01 100
124 COA 12321 43212 2014 01 200
Now My DSO2 has the following fields
GL Account ChartOfAccounts Profit Center CalYear CalMonth Amount
When I load DSO2 from DSO1 and I run my DTP and restrict my load to 2014, I expect to extract these 2 records in to my next DSO level but in the result I only get one and not 2
All the fields that I have in my DSO2 are in keyfields except keyfigure so nothing is getting overwritten. I want to know if i am missing something.