In SMW01 i checked there is a error logs “category for product hierarchy 000900009900009902 does not exist” , “category for material group does not exist”,
1) I checked this product hierarchy in ECC MARA table and it has entries in that table. So this product hierarchy is not obsolete.
2) Checked in COMM_CATEGORY table in SRM the required material group and product hierarchy was not exist
3) The objects from R3AS( DNL_CUST_PROD0, DNL_CUST_PROD1, MATERIAL) all are downloaded and monitored through R3AM1 all objets are DONE and in GREEN status.
4) In tcode COMM_PRAPPLCAT(have 2 entries R3MATCLASS,R3PRODSTYP), in table COMS_HIER_R3IMP(have 3 entries R3PRODHIER,R3MATCLASS,R3PRODSTYP). Why COMM_PRAPPLCAT does not have the entry R3PRODHIER, is this required entry? because of this only while doing R3AS product hierarchies not importing to SRM?
5)In SMOFTABLES for object DNL_CUST_PROD1 for below records inactive column was not ticked and aslo In R3AC3 for object DNL_CUST_PROD1 under tab Tables/Structures below entries are available.
T023,T023T,T134 ,T134T ,T179 ,T179T
Please help to find the solution for this problem.
Thank you very much!
Best Regards,