searching in i found this section:
Quality of Service EO
For quality of service EO, a four-digit number is generated to complete the queue name using a random algorithm to determine the suffix of the sender, receiver, and inbound queues. This enables you to process multiple messages simultaneously in different queues.
Generated random number: 38
Queue name: XBTI0038
You can determine the area valid for the random algorithm using the configuration parameterEO_INBOUND_PARALLEL from the category Tuning. Using the subparameters SENDER, CENTRAL and RECEIVER you can define separate areas for the sender queue, inbound queue, and receiver queue.
On the central Integration Server, messages are persisted again after inbound processing and scheduled for sending to the determined receiver. To avoid them being blocked, messages are bundled according to receiver and placed in outbound queues assigned to the respective receivers. The corresponding queue is determined using a four-digit encryption (a hash value) of the receiver name.
Receiver name: CLIENT_XYZ
Encrypted name: E8B9
Queue name: XBTOE8B9
If more than one message is sent to the same receiver, use the configuration parameterEO_OUTBOUND_PARALLEL of the category Tuning to process messages simultaneously in different queues. A random algorithm is also used here to generate a four-digit number to complete the queue name. You must enter the receiver in the column Subparameter and the area valid for the random algorithm in the column Value for this purpose.
A = SAP Backend
lets assume i define the parameter EO_OUTBOUND_PARALLEL/A = 50. this does means that the sistem will generate an EO queue per interface defined in PI. I mean, 10 customer documents are sent to SAP, the system could enqueue this documents randomly, right? so multiples Outbound queue could be used for one interface, no matter if a use one channel per interface or multiples channels.