T-code : OVL2 --> Shipping Point Determination : This will be triggered based on the below combination.
The loading group,the plant and the shipping condition determine the shipping point
1. In T-code : VOV8 Sales Document Type check Shipping conditions
2. In T-code : XD03 Customer Master (Sold-To) check Delivering Plant/Shipping
conditions (Under Sales Area Data - shipping tab )
3. In T-code : MM03 Material Master: Sales: General/Plant View Check Loading Group
Shipping conditions data should be same in both sales document type & customer master (sold-to). If sales document type has not having shipping conditions data then system takes Sold-To Shipping condition.
Whether Material master has Loading group or not system don't bother about it. Once these three combination data is maintained in OVL2. you won't face this error " Incompletion Log Missing Data Shipping Point/Receivi "
You can check these settings as well in T-code : OVX3 Shipping Points --> Plants