My windows account (Active Directory) has correct access to tables, stored procedures on two databases on server 1 (Database 1, Database 2)
Report 1 Database1 Server 1
Report 2 Database 2 Server 1
Report1 is deployed to folder "App1" in CMC and database information is configured like below and option is "Use the same Database logon as when the report is run":
data source: server1
Database: Database1
UserName: Domain\windows Account
Password: "Password"
I am able to run this report1 in CMC
Report2 is deployed to folder "App2" in CMC and database information is configured like below and option is "Use the same Database logon as when the report is run"
data source: server1
Database: Database2
UserName: Domain\windows Account
Password: "Password"
When I am running this report2, always getting "Viewer cannot process event: The database logon information for this report is either incomplete or incorrect"
The stored procedure "Procedure2" used by report 2, I can execute it in SQLServer Management Studio (Query Analyzaer) connected using Windows Authentication so user name is populated with Domain\windows Account.
Any inputs on this?
Thanks in advance.